Assessment Charts
I suggest that you keep your own chart to better understand how your body functions and to tune into your needs. Charts help you become aware of the day to day changes in your body. They help you interpret symptoms that may be relevant to your hormonal balance and general well-being. Symptom relief is an important barometer in your hormonal well-being, and acts as a guide to using the least amount of progesterone required to maintain balance.
Estrogen Dominance Progesterone/Estrogen Scoresheet Assessment
This score sheet determines estrogen dominance progesterone
deficiency. It is perhaps the most important chart of all and this is
the one I refer to the most in determining your
dose requirements according to your score, and progress.
This score sheet will:
Help you assess your response to dose adjustments
Help you ascertain your physiological progesterone dose requirements
where you remain asymptomatic
Help you to recognise insidious problems reemerging so you can
activate protocols and strategies to address
Will guide you in recognising Estrogen Dominance Wake Up Crisis
Give you an appreciation of your improvement over time
Teach you to become tuned in to your hormonal health
and well-being
Assist you in distinguishing hormone problems, as opposed to other
health issues
Help you recognise triggers
Will be a template for your progesterone journey
Suggested Dose Guideline for Monthly Score Sheet
How to interpret your score and use it to guide your progesterone dosage
High Score: (dosage initially >10% or 100mg)
Moderate - High Score: (dosage between 4%-6% or 40-60mg)
Moderate Score: (dosage between 3%-4% or 30-40mg)
Low Score: (dosage between 1%-2% or 16-20mg)
You may need to increase slightly yourself. Always try an extra 10mg and
assess in 36 hours before increasing more. You need to trust your intuition
and be confident.
Note: Specific dosages are outlined in detail in both books for specific
Click here to download the Estrogen Dominance Progesterone/Estrogen Scoresheet Assessment Chart for a menstruating woman
Click here to download the Estrogen
Dominance Progesterone/Estrogen Scoresheet Assessment Chart for a
non-menstruating woman
Other Charts
Observation Calendar for Monitoring Hormone Balance
This chart suits the methodical person who likes to record keep in symbols,
and who is very involved in her health agenda. It probably wouldnt
suit the lady with a busy lifestyle whos on the go.
Notation of Symptoms
If you are a woman looking to record unusual symptoms and
may not be recording in-depth details, this chart gives you a guideline
of where / what may be happening at certain times of the month. The charts
can then be used as a comparison, month to month. Patterns can be determined
using this method. Its always important to note dosage of cream
on all charts, to correlate dosage versus symptom relief.
Quick Tick Chart
- Spreadsheet
This is a very popular chart because its so user-friendly. All you
need to do is tick the appropriate columns each day as they apply. It
doesnt require lengthy reporting, just helps you acknowledge how
youre feeling, and whats going on. Perfect to stick on your
Monthly Scoresheet Assessment
Assists with progression and response to progesterone usage. Invaluable
to determine your level of estrogen dominance.