Feedback and Testimonials


Monica, Australia
Main Symptoms: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, adrenal exhaustion and hormonal disruption.

“I came across the Natural Progesterone Advisory Network (NPAN) through the medical network in Geelong.My gynecologist rolex replica uk me to a clinic in Geelong.” NPAN is an excellent women’s health resource. It embraces a total health approach to women’s health.NPAN’s holistic approach to life and healing, values nature’s products and the natural phases of a woman’s life, and teaches women to honour, understand,
and take control of her health and replica watches for sale wellbeing.

A reproductive life cycle interrupted by several traumatic gynecological episodes and a continuing unpredictable biological clock, culminated in, and led me down the path to,preimenopausal hormonal hublot replica uk and a personality transformation bordering on the “dragon”syndrome! Natural Progesterone (as distinct from its chemical imitators) and NPAN’s holistic approach to women’s health, helped me feel in control and enjoy a
wellbeing I had not tag heuer replica sale for as long as I can remember.

I know now that feeling constantly tired, emotional, and out of control, was not my imagination or me being emotional, but a signal from my body to listen to the changes of the life process. Total health is a rolex replica uk of feeling well in body, mind, emotion, and in spirit - a woman’s spirit. It is easy to lose touch with our women’s psyche and natural intuition in a world where logic and fact prevail. But the truth is, on a daily basis, women nurture others in our homes, our work, our schools, and our communities.

To give nurturing, we must know it is okay to also nurture ourselves. To do this we must find balance by fake rolex sale to the needs of our body, or we shall lose sensitivity to what our bodies need and the totality of who we are.There is no substance to a skeleton. My heartfelt thanks and congratulations to Jenny Birdsey, Founder and National Coordinator of NPAN, for a wonderful service.There IS life after Hormones!”


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